
Can any one explain why some people feel the need to bow and grovel when elizabeth windsor enters the room?

by  |  earlier

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really she is just an average wealthy 70 year old women




  1. Protocol

    Used to be, if you didn't bow for the sovereign, you would be beheaded.  It's still there, even though the punishment isn't.

  2. As a mark of respect for the position she holds.

    k f - when are you going to wake up to the fact that there is no god.

  3. I only bow to GOD. All other people die and turn to dust so in reality they are no-one special even though they may do special things. Oh isnt she the lady thet got Lady Dianna killedf in some type of conspiracy?

  4. Really she's the Queen of England - I feel no need to grovel and am happy to show respect.  She has dedicated her life to this country and I feel she has served us well whatever you feel about the monarchy in general.

  5. Same reason why people follow an average balding alcoholic like George W Bush

  6. I grovel to no one.I respect all those who deserve respect,as I was taught to do.I bow to people,again,as i was taught to do out of respect as is the custom.YOU,I would NEVER bow to.

    Edit  She is over 80 years old and her wealth has nothing to do with her deserving respect.Wealth never has.

    Edit  All those deserving respect,yes.

  7. She is the Queen of england, people bow to her to show respect.  As far as I am aware, there is no law that says you have to bow to her.  if you don't admire the Queen, then why would you want to be present at the same gathering as her anyway?  And she's nearly 82, not 70.

  8. It is nothing more than good manners and etiquette, or have these been banned from social teaching?

    The Queen, whom you describe without any  respect is no "mere old woman" - She is Elizabeth The Second , by the Grace of God, Queen - Head of State and Defender of the Faith.

    I always say that people who have no respect for themselves, never show respect to others.

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