
Can any one give a solid comprehencive reson why todays technoloy cold not find a sure treatment for cncer.?

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My dear wife left me two days ago after 30 years of companionshp. Cause being breast carinoma. We fought the diseae for 13 years with latest weapons science has. We are exploring the universe but why cant cure a cancer patient, millions are dying every day in the world for centuries.Why, why?




  1. I am sorry for your loss. You can blame the drug companies. They don't want cures for cancer because they make too much money from the treatments. They might go out of business if no one was sick. The FDA is also in cahoots with the pharm industry.

  2. This question is so difficult that anyone with the right answer would very likely keep silent. There is too many secrets locked up in the vaults of our governments.Simply the time is not right yet! We are just pawns on the global chessboard.

    PS.Sorry for Your loss.

  3. I'm so sorry, I can't even imagine the kind of pain your family has suffered. My father has skin cancer, and my husband lost a sister to cancer. Doctors have spent lots of time trying to cure cancer, and treating the symptoms. The future of medicine is to find a way to prevent cancer. They are now starting to realize that, but good research takes years and years. The pain that we have to suffer now is paving the way for our children to have a cancer free future. Medicine has come a long way and will continue to progress. We need to be looking at all possibilities including the alternative ones. In the end all we can do is our best and everything happens for a reason. Best wishes for you and your family.

  4. Sorry to hear about your wife.

    Todays technology cant find a sure treatment for cancer because its a disease of the present. Other factors include the fact that it's systemic, has a mind of its own and there are many unknown environmental factors such as pollution and health problems that contribute to it.

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