
Can any one give me some solid evidence that area 51 are hiding something?

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links, video's, websites....... plz




  1. I would recomend watching the DVD "The Silent Revolution of Truth" which is an excellent summary of the Billy Meier UFO contacts with the Plejarens. The various evidence are presented, plus an overall summary. While you can view much of this on various sites, etc - it is altogether here - plus some new material.

    I strongly recomend (English Discussion Board) and reviewing the various discussions there - particularly the Questions and Answers to/from Billy Meier, in which straight answers are given. For example a confirmation on which contactees are genuine, and which ones are hoaxed/faked.

    There has been deliberate attempts to present UFOs in a negative and fearsome light - such that various UFO sightings are not of ET origin, but terrestrial.

    Over the past 5 years I have downloaded all I can about Billy Meier, and also all the UFO documentaries I can find - plus documentaries which deal with ancient civilisations and their technologies, astronomy, science, etc etc --- also particularly those which deal with strange and weird stuff...

    The Disclosure Project material is worth looking at, which seems to confirm what Colonel Corso was saying all along... Likewise Linda Moulton Howe's "Exopolitics" videotaped lecture...

    Use torrent or eMule to download any large files you like... like a lot of documentaries, also various MP3 audio files, as in the Coast to Coast Art Bell archives, which deal with this material. "The Silent Revolution of Truth" and "Exopolitics" were downloaded using torrent - you have to leave your computer on for days at a time, but it is worth it..

    The Billy Meier stuff is worthwhile following up on - but note - it is best not to view the Randolph Winters material, as he is not entirely accurate with his info.  The various critics against Billy Meier - don't present a watertight case - whereas those who validate Meier, do... 5 years of research - tells me so... Check out all the lectures labelled 'Talmud Jmmanuel' that were videotaped, and viewable via YouTube are very very interesting.  It is best to download them, so that you view them again later...

    It is not specifically linked to 'Area 51' but ties in with it, for sure... how the government does hide information about UFOs, etc.  See the Exopolitics videotape - also "The Missing NASA Transmissions" showing NASA does hide stuff from us - the public.

    An excellent website - is  see the UFO section.  The archives are available only, if you subscribe to the site - which are extensive.  But you view what is current, and most recent material...

  2. Sorry, there is absolutely no evidence you are looking for.  Area 51 is an Air Force facility at Groom Lake, and you can see it on Google Earth.  All they may be hiding is test aircraft (strictly man-made).  If you are looking for UFOs or aliens, forget it!  They aren't there!

  3. military = secrets.

    if your question is "Wowee!  Aliens and autopsies!  A flying saucer reverse engineered into a coffee maker!  Woo Wow Wowzers!"

    then, okay, you have an uncommon  flair for the English language, but are missing the point.  Aliens only exist in Hollywood.  (or Bollywood, but they have to sing and dance.)

  4. If Area 51 was ever hiding anything of importance, I doubt it's still being used for such purposes.  Everyone and their dog knows where it is and has heard the rumours about the place -- I'd expect that the military would have the good sense to move the operation somewhere else.

  5. I think we ALL know it's hiding "something".  The question is "what".

    Frankly, if it's a matter of national security, I would rather leave Area 51 alone and let those folks do whatever they're supposed to secret, if necessary!  

    Some things just should NOT be public knowledge for the safety of our nation.

  6. You see the evidence every day. Politicians, talk show hosts, TV evangelists. They all have to be from somewhere other than earth with their ideas and personalities. Then theres Kieth Richards. Only an alien could take that much drugs and alcohol and live.

  7. srry man i got nothing onstuff to look at but i think thers something very top secret going on ther.Aliens r real i am one and my names zorgeporn.weird name aint it i allways tell mother suckah thatlol

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