
Can any one help me about ocd my husband has it but he wont addmit it pls help?

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Can any one help me about ocd my husband has it but he wont addmit it pls help?




  1. I have ocd. I count my steps as I walk, I'm constantly respelling words in my heads. I count to 12 all the time. I don't step on lines when I walk. And other little things. I've tried getting help, I've had ocd since I was 5. I'm 23 now. I've learned to live with it and keep it under control. All you can do is not get in the way of him doing things. Instead maybe just point it out in a nice way like "i noticed everytime you eat your hamburger you turn it upside down, it's cute" it's what my gf told me once. I never noticed but everytime I eat a hamburger I turn it upside down. I felt stupid so I'm trying to break it. But it's hard. Just don't be making him feel bad. Stress and anxiety make it worst.

  2. Don't pressure him into admitting or doing anything he isn't ready for. Get some information on OCD and tell him you were doing some research because you are concerned about him. Give him the info, give him some space to look at it on his own, and make sure he understands you will support him if he decides to get help.

  3. If he won't admit to it, then how can we possibly help you?? He needs to see a Doctor.

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