
Can any one help with my weird dream?

by  |  earlier

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every now and then i have a dream that i am in a car driving and I'm going to fast and i trying to slow down but the break wont work i don't crash or have anything happen it just freaks me out a bit.

can some one help please!!




  1. Do you feel that you are losing control of your self or your life? Or you want to stop your self from going where you are? Maybe you get over carried away sometimes and lose control of your self?

    Thats what I would guess, but only you know the answer really.

  2. Are you currently having any problems in your life?

    Dreams have been said to reveal hidden things that we want, are afraid of, or are thinking of deeeeeeep in our minds.

    Maybe it's symbolic of you struggling to slow your life down?

    Or maybe you want more control over your life but you cant quite get it, hence the brakes not working on the car.

    Don't worry about it, it's most probably just a dream.

    Maybe the fact that you're stressing yourself out over the meaning is causing you to keep having the dream. :)

  3. i wouldnt worry about it

    unless you see a sign whils your awake

    im sure its not a problem tho

    try medetating before u sleep  

  4. mmm, seems to me that the car represents your life and that maybe you are taking a few risks here and there(driving too fast)and things are going so well that its scaring you that its all gonna go wrong at any minute...just slow down a little...dont put the brakes on just ease off the accelerator a little and with any luck the dream will fade out?

    just my interpretation(i'm not an expert but i have interpretted a few friends dreams and they say that i've got the knack...hope i'm on the ball for you)

    but most of all dont worry

  5. Your dream means that you have a lot of ambition and want to go places in your life. Things may be happening really fast for you now (driving fast) and you may feel that your life is slightly out of control or that you are making decisions to fast, but the fact that you are trying to low down indicates that you realize that you need to take you time as you make decisions in life. Good luck.

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