
Can any one make a simple food chain?

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I need to make a simple food chain,,and i am having some trouble,, i have some organisms, but can you help me out. Please place organisms in order in which they eat that animal.. Thanks So much,,, !!




  1. where r the names of the organisms which u have?

    any way... here is one example..:

    plants (producers)---} insects like grass hoppers (primary consumers) ---} frogs (secondary consumers)---} snakes (tertiary consumers - carnivorous) ---} eagle or vulture.

  2. grass to cow to people

    bug to frog to snake to eagle

  3. Why does nobody mention microbes,the changes in these populations have the biggest effects

    Remember the Red Tide

    Worms eat rotten material that is full of microbes .

    chickens eat worms

    we eat chickens .and go to the toilet which goes back to the microbes

    this is the most simple of food chains

    In Nature they tend to be more complicated .

    starting off at microbes and involve plants and insects

    things that eat those insects ,like frogs ,

    then what eats the frog

    can be eaten by a bigger animals this is eaten by some thing else ,Maybe humans ,

    again toilet

    Or death

    back to microbes

    This is why small changes of temperature because of global warming can have drastic effects in a chain reaction

    Microbe populations are easily affected by temperature changes ,some go extinct ,others become invasive ,

    this affects insect food supply

    the insects are part of the food chain for countless animals ,birds reptiles etc ,

    and these are effected in turn

    thousands of specie of frogs have gone extinct

    then bigger animals who for example eat frogs die out because their food supply is gone

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