
Can any one recommend a good air soft gun??

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Here are the specs I need:

*It needs to be $30 or less

*It needs to be accurate and go far enough for backyard wars and wood wars etc.

*It needs to be able to hold lots of ammo

*It can be gas, electric, or spring, iwant the best for my $

*Preferably a pistol

I am a 1st time player who has no experience, but does want a gun durable and good enough for battle.




  1. 40$ a really good pistol  

    or if you want a cheap gun

  2. sorry, but if you want to buy a gun in those requirements, you will have to spend some more money, not much, but maybe like 15$ more. dont buy cheap or it will break and you will have wasted your, or be innacurate and have very low fps. ( i know personally).  good luck!!!

  3. I have a couple pistols and the one recommend from airsplat are great. but if you want to go to a local store go to walmart and get the crossman c11. (its a c02)

    pros: power, accurate (with .2g bb), heavy (compared to cheaper ones).

    Cons: only hold 15 bb

    Great gun and is listed at $37. this is one of the cheapest gun that can shoot 400f/s but if you are playing at close range it might be too powerful. it can go through a metal can of soda from 15ft. you can also buy extra mag. if worry about reloading.

  4. That's a tall order for such a small price tag. If you want a gun with any metal on it or one that will last longer that 20 shots, then your gonna have to look to spend at least $40 (that's for a good springer).  Preferably more (like $80) for even a low cost AEG.

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