
Can any one tell me how can i make a project on conservation of wildlife in south asia????????

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Can any one tell me how can i make a project on conservation of wildlife in south asia????????




  1. First collect the facts regarding the project

    *Importance of wildlife

    *Endangered species

    *Graphs and tables etc

    The project should include:

    1) Acknowledgement

    2)Introduction(details about wildlife)

    3) Objectives(Reason for conducting the project)

    4)Content.(the textual facts collected)

    5) Analysis(Can include graphs on endangered species and the resources etc)

    6) Conclusion(your over al conclusion on preparing the project)


    Cheerz sweetie!

    Hopin that it did help!! :-)

  2. pick an endangered or exploited animal ie the sun bear look up info on this animal ie wikopedia and do the report

  3. give million of dollars to a politician and have him turn it into a National Park. name this park after yourself

  4. Firstly I must thank you for narrowing down the scope of the question to South Asia - every part of the world has different environemnts and their people's attitude towards conservation varies greatly as well.

    Conservation of wildlife in South Asia requires two important elements:

    1. Top-down government participation and funding, regulation formulation and policing (deals with government and politicians, those in power)

    2. Down-up public education, awareness programmes (deals with the society level, from an individual, to a group of people and upwards)

    Element #1:

    In South Asia, majority of the countries focus more on economic development to improve the welfare of individuals in the population. Many nations still have a significant portion of population who is still living under the poverty line - and due to the limited goverment budget, the governments have to redirect funding to solve poverty and boost economic development rather than focusing in environmental conservation and protection. It is imperative to let governments realise that a stable environment and a harmonous co-existence with nature is an important prerequisite towards economic development and welfare.

    Poor governance is one of the main problems as well. Corrupted forces, half-baked regulations (where there are loop holes to be exploited by illegal traders and hunters) make conservation of wildlife an ardous task. Government transparency has to be boosted to implement strict regulation and policing, so as to prevent wildlife from being hunted and exported for monetary gains.

    Element #2:

    Public awareness and education is equally important - people have to realise that the co-existence of wildlife is as important as economic development. It is only possible to conserve wildlife if people learn how important is it and change their attitude towards illegal hunting and trading.

    A near-perfect case study would be that of Singapore, where there is proper governace and rigorous campaigns to boost public awareness about wildlife conservation. Singapore leaves the central primary rainforest untouched to preserve wildlife, and does extensive research before approving any land-reclamation projects. Coral reefs that are affected in the reently started Integrated Resorts construction are shifted to other safer seashores of the country.

    I hope this helps!

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