
Can any one tell me how to make a wide brimmed bucket hat for my 2 year old daughter for sun protection?

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Can any one tell me how to make a wide brimmed bucket hat for my 2 year old daughter for sun protection?




  1. Go to the fabric store and get a pattern.  Otherwise, I doubt it will turn out well.

  2. The better solution is to let her out in the sun for a limited time without any protection (you can figure out how long is safe) - she'll gradually get a natural tan, without burning, which will be the best protection she can have.  At my nudist club all the kids play naked and get brown all over, safely, without burning, because the parents are sensible about how much time they spend in the sun and how much they spend under shade.  That way, you don't have to panic about covering every square inch of pale skin with clothes or factor zillion sun cream (which is what's responsible for the ever-increasing rates of skin cancer in the world anyway).

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