
Can any one tell me please..what is the meaning of "time sharing" and how do we operate..?

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I have been told about" time sharing " ..It look like we will have some place to stay abroad ..but is this possible..and how..??




  1. Yes its possible. You buy a time slot for a holiday for your money you get the right to exclusively use the property for a specific period of time each year.  

  2. You pay a few thousand pounds/dollars, which buys you a share in a holiday apartment or a hotel room.  The precise nature of the time that you buy will depend on the company you buy from, and the deal involved, and how much you pay.  But it might be something like "you can stay there for 3 weeks a year, for the next 20 years".

    These things are often a rip-off, because the annual service charges work out as expensive as taking a normal holiday/vacation would be.

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