
Can any one tell me what clean energy is?

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and by the way .... plz! let me know:

What are energies' advantages and disadvantages?

How to use clean energies?

Can clean energies take the place of the current energies?




  1. "Clean", or renewable, energy sources are energy sources that are continuously replenished by natural processes. They are _flows_ of energy (from the Sun or the planet's hot core) while fossil and nuclear fuels are to great extent _stocks_ of energy (stored, accumulated energy).

    According to the World Energy Assessment report (2004) “Renewable energy sources generally depend on energy flows through the Earth’s ecosystem from the insolation of the sun and the geothermal energy of the Earth”.

    Broadly, the following are renewable (clean) energy sources:

    * Biomass energy (plant growth driven by solar radiation)

    * Wind energy (moving air masses driven by solar energy)

    * Direct use of solar energy (as for heating and electricity production).

    * Hydropower

    * Marine energy (such as wave energy, marine current energy, and energy from tidal barrages)

    * Geothermal energy (from heat stored in rock by the natural heat flow of the Earth)

    If you ask me, if the current reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear can be substituted by use of renewable energy listed above, then my answer would be: "Yes, of course!". However, to be realistic here, this process will require decades to make such a transition and a lot of political and individual will and commitment.

  2. amish !

  3. I'm glad that you are asking this question:  I'm sure many other people are unsure as well.

    I will try to explain this as simple as I can.

    Clean energy comes from natural resources such as wind -and solar energy.  These sources are considered clean because they come from the natural environment and MOST IMPORTANTLY produce no pollution in the process of creating energy.  Another added benefit of these two resources in particular is that the source can never be depleted- the sun and wind will always exist.  

    "Dirty" energy comes from things like coal, or petroleum oil.  Basically, anything that creates pollution in the process of creating energy. Coal is dirty when it comes out of the ground, and coal remains dirty as it comes out of a smoke stack. It's never clean.  In fact, coal (which powers many electricity plants around the world) is the highest Carbon emitter- bad, bad news in terms of pollution.  

    A disadvantage of "dirty" energy will always be the pollution that it produces. And advantage of dirty energy is low prices-- however even the price on these dirty sources are skyrocketing-- not to mention, it may be cheap to buy, but your health pays a sever cost.

    Currently, one of the disadvantages of clean energy is expensive INITIAL costs.  Most clean energy or energy efficient products cost more up front BUT they save you more money over time. With more research being conducted and with government funding, the cost of producing and purchasing clean energy will inevitably go down.

    The advantages of clean energy are many:  no or reduced amounts of pollution (cleaner air, water, etc.), unending resources, saving money of time.

    Wind farms (large areas of land with wind turbines that produce electricity) and solar panels are becoming more efficient, less costly and more prevalent across the United States.  Germany relies almost ENTIRELY on wind and solar energy to produce the countries power despite the fact that the country gets less sunlight than the US does.  

    If Germany can do it, so can we!

    In the meantime, you can help out by purchasing:

    -  energy efficient products - dishwashers use less water and  

       electricity, refrigerators use far less electricity

    -  insulating your house/sealing cracks - reduces amount of

       heat that escapes your house and reduces your heating bill!

    -  purchase CFL's (Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs)-

       although they are more expensice than regular light bulbs,

       they last nine to ten years and save you money on electricity

       over their lifetime (about $45).  Constantly turning on and off

       CFL's reduces their lifespan though, so it is recommended

       you put them in places where the lights will be on for 15

       minutes or more.  . . . I'm actually purchasing CFL's to give

       to my family at Christmas time!

    This is long, but I hope it helps!

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