
Can any one tell me what corse icould start in uk.?

by  |  earlier

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i done my bsc(batchelor os science)from india i got in definate visa in uk can any one tell me please which course is better for me to do in uk to got good job here.




  1. Would have to agree English certainly would be a good start . From your post you are lacking in some areas and frankly ought not to be thinking of undergraduate courses until you have a good grasp of written english , then maybe move up to degree level.

  2. Spelling

  3. English would be a good start

  4. mcdonalds maybe?

  5. i am an overseas consultant and got my head office in london and can help u throughout the process unill ur accomodation and job can mail me on to get further help ,its totally free on :

  6. So called Degrees from India arent worth the paper they are written on.  Stay in India.

  7. well- having read your post- i suggest an english course at an evening school.

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