
Can any one tell me where to find Ferric Chloride In Bangalore..........?

by  |  earlier

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I am doing a project , and i need to etch a PCB , my friend suggested me about Ferric Chloride solution and i have no clue where to find it in Bangalore.......can any one help me out in this......!!!!




  1. My suggestion is to check with a dealer in PCB in Bangalore who will guide you on the etching solution.

  2. go to sp road - area in front of town hall. many shops will stock this stuff. one shop i remember is tektronic instruments. just walk down sp road and find out.

    you'll get a paste kind of thing to which you need to add water.

  3. Find here Ferric Chloride manufacturers, Ferric Chloride suppliers, Ferric Chloride traders, ... R. M. V II Stage, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560 094

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