
Can any one tell me who makes up the yahoo commity?

by  |  earlier

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interest in finding out who is in charge. is there a group of people all together in room. or is it by complaints posted from unhappy readers. is it the world making the decision on what is or isnt a good enough question. what are the cridentuals for a member of this commity.???? please help. because either my questions are not clear or there misread. or i am being pointed out and freedom of speech and the amendments that also have many valid arguments are not following, can you help with my problem. the bible should be the intruction book, for commity




  1. The Yahoo community is everyone who signs up for Yahoo!Answers. Every member of the general public is welcome. The credentials are the ability to follow the community guidelines and Yahoo Terms of Service.

    The Yahoo Terms of Service and the community guidelines explain what the rules of speech are, and everyone who uses this site agrees to those rules. The constitutional "freedom of speech" only applies to public places, not a private service like Yahoo.

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