
Can any one who plays the card game bridge suggest to me a bid on this hand. thanks?

by  |  earlier

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Here is the image of the hand screenshot.

please suggest me a bid and a concise summary of why you would bid what you suggest. I am learning and would like some help.

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  1. pass

    you have 6 points

    partner passed with either

    1. a hand with max 12 points and 4+ hearts in it or

    2. a hand with a 4333 4432 distribution not worthy a doublet or

    3. a hand like you have.. with long diamonds maybe.

    If opps would end in 4H contract.. maybe your partner could double for penalty with the first hand.

    with hand 2 and 3 opposite your south hand opps will likely end in 6something.

    Dont tell them they can expect length and strength in clubs with you.

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