
Can any parents of a child with Aspergers/Autism please read this?

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Hey :)

Im not a parent of an autistic kid, but a sister of a boy with aspergers (form of autism). My mum is actually having a very hard time right now dealing with my brother and everything he goes through, and he also has bowel incontinence. Im mainly typing this on here now to try and get some emails for my mum so she can find someone to talk to and realize she isnt alone. My brother is 12. Anyone who is going through the same problem would be greatly appreciated :D

Thankyou :) x*x




  1. check out Aspergers/Autism supprt groups in your area. google it or try the phone book under charities/ voluntary organisations. if your in the UK, she should be getting D.L.A for him which could help to get a carer in to give her a break, for a few hours.

  2. My son has aspergers, he is 13 .

    When he was first diagnosed .we knew nothing

    about it . When we tried to find help or groups , it just

    never was right . With patience , things ( knock on wood)

    seem to be good for our son now , hopefully your brother and mom will be ok too.

  3. My son has Pervasive Developmental Disorder (also known as P.D.D. - a mild form of autism), and I can tell you that there are many support groups and message boards on the internet your mother can go to when she needs to talk to someone. Start at, they have a lot of links to support groups/message boards there, even some specialized as to Aspergers. I've never had any experience with the particular problems you are describing with your brother, so I'm afraid I don't have any advice to share, but I'm sure someone out there has been through that and can give your mother some help - you just have to find them.

    I know how difficult it is to have a child with problems like your brother, and as a parent, it can be very lonely because it seems like no one can ever understand what you are going through. We want to protect our children from the stares and judgemental people out there, but at the same time we don't do them any favors by sheltering them and it also makes things even harder on us by being the sole caregiver. Autism and its' many variations are on the rise, so there are many people in similar situations, we just have to reach out and find each other! You are a very special person for trying to get your mother some help, and I'm sure she knows how lucky she is to have such a caring daughter. I'm sorry I can't help you more, but start with and I'm sure their site will help you find some places to go.

  4. i havent got this, but my little boy (11) has dyspraxia, and they are all inter related.........i go to a group, and have a great network of friends who let me bounce of my there a local carers group........she is his carer aswell as his mum.... or parent partnership in your area..........its hard i know looking after a child with a 'hidden disability' as it were, but he is special, and she will have her good days as well as her bad, but the good outweigh the bad, and if she wants to contact me, tell her to do so...........and there is no easy wa;y of being a parent, i was a nursery nurse/ nanny for 8 years before having my own kids.........and my god is it hard........we are only human.........hope everything works out ok, give her a big hug.......and tell her what a great mum she takes someone special, to look after an even more special child.

  5. neither of my children (so far) have this kind of complication. But I have a nephew who does. Which is why I get so irritated at teenagers today. They have no respect for someone who can't help what they were born with. I can't give you her email but what I can do is get yours or your moms and pass it on to her. I'm sure she'd be more than willing to be a listening ear but I can't say for sure (she is so busy she has a total of 6 kids). So if you will leave your email on here I'll give it to her and see what she says.

    Good Luck! I hope your mom gets the support she needs.

  6. My son is 12 with moderate autism.  While we don't have the same issues your Mom is dealing with, I have worked with other families who do.  Please message me directly and I will be happy to send a note for your Mom.

  7. I do not have a child with Autism, but I used to know a little boy with Autism. He was a great kid, and he plays the clarinet now. I also know a woman with Autism who is absolutely brilliant.

    I realize this doesn't really help with what you were asking for, but I thought it might give your mom some hope for the future.

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