
Can any person hack in to my computer using my ip address?

by  |  earlier

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can any one who has my ip address hack in to my computer from anywhere and steal my files? Also is it possible that this person if hacked in to my computer cud see what i do on it? How does this happen? do ip addresses change daily according to internet service provider? does running torrents sharing make it easy? can an email containing a trogen hack in and do wats mentioned above?




  1. Theoretically speaking, yes, if someone has your IP, they can try to gain unauthorized access.  The key word here is "try."  It is a very, very tedious, long, and frustrating process to gain control over a PC, especially if the target PC is not a server and/or is up to date and doesn't have any obvious holes.  The chances of a someone attacking your PC directly and getting in is very small and mostly negligible.

    When someone gains control over a PC, it usually happens at the fault of the user, who may be incompetent, or has done something to leave open a hole for the attacker to exploit.

    All in all, if you are behind a router and/or a firewall, it is pretty much impossible for an attacker to gain access to your PC over the Internet.

    Almost all IP addresses change once in a while, these are dynamic IPs.  How often they change depends on the ISP, but most definitely not every day.  Running torrents will make you discoverable, but that's it.  An e-mail can contain a trojan or virus and run on your PC, but only if you open it or execute the attachment.

    Hope this helps.

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