
Can any recording engineers (or home recording musicians) tell me anything about the original Rode NT1?

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I recently bought one off Ebay (have yet to receive it). I originally thought I was getting the NT1-A (I didn't know that they were two different mics). I'm aware that the Rode NT1 is older - I was just wondering if there was a big quality difference between the two? I just want to know whether or not I got a could deal or not I paid about $100 for it.




  1. Provided the mic is in good condition.. you got a great deal.  They are basically the same mics.. just a few appearance changes... thats about it.  Both mics have the same maximum spl rating of 137db.  Ive used both of these mics before, and find them very good mics for vocals, guitar, although.. you do want to mic the cab at some distance....I prefer 12-18inches away from the cab... and.. have had luck using this large diapragm mic on bass as well.. provided its a real smooth bass player.  Best results on bass cabs have been for me.. at 18-24 inches away.  

       I dont recommend this mic at all for use on drums.. although, with a matched pair... and at a slight distance away from the drums.... (4-6 feet in front of the kit, angled towards the kit)  ive had some good results while using these while having the whole kit mic'd with my Audix drum mic's.  

        I believe the NT-1a was introduced in 2004, so.. the mic you got isnt that old.  Hopefully its only been used in a studio... as thats pretty much what its designed for.  Great mic... hope it gives you some great results.

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