
Can any tell me what is procedure of making a vor aproach in helicopter?

by  |  earlier

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i m at my initial of flying




  1. first of all you need a IFR equipped helicopter to do that. then either the IFR rating or IFR instructor.

    the rest is totally similar to VOR/DME approaches flown by the fixed wing - with the posibility of a slight shortenning the IAF track and modifying the altitudes.

    However you tune into the desired VOR, and think out a reasonable way to intercept the descent track - WE are typically flying direct to the FAF of the procedure, with adjusting our descent so that we have proper altitude at that point. intercepting the glide path one NM before the FAF under angle less than 45 degrees is required by the JAA /i think/ from the FAF, you commence descent, and verify your altitude with the altitude<>distance box at the bottom right corner of the approach chart. having the proper glide path heading set up on your HSI, you receive corerctive readouts of the heading. that's why the VOR/DME approach is instrument approach and not precise one - you do not have direct instrument readout about your vertical position. Missed approach procedure commenced at the minima /your, airbase's, plane's, approach'es, whichever the highest value/ radar altimeter onboard may influence the minima to your favour. it is also handy to warn you about the ground proximity, but it would take some time beforre you will be able to fly instrument descents to 300 ft AGL /which we consider the standard value for most missed approach procedures.

  2. As long as the aircraft is properly equipped, the same as for a fixed wing. Only difference, because of slower approach speeds, you can usually use the lowest published approach minimums for a given approach.

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