
Can any1 describe how antibiotic resistance arises.?

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can u include much details as possible. plzzz

reference: the Q is from AQA science book Exam style Qs on B1a 4.1 - B1a 4.7




  1. Unfortunately, many doctors prescribe anti biotics  for complaints that would be best treated with an aspirin and when an A/B is essential the effect is negative due their excessive use  that generates resistance. And- too many farmacies serve A/B´s over the counter, so people are overdosing themselves.

  2. Antibiotic resistance arises because pathogens under go evolutionary processes (i.e. natural selection) which brings about an alteration in Phenotype and/or Genotype meaning the antibiotic no longer effectively targets it. This often arises because people don't finish their course of antibiotics, if people stop when they are feeling better then there can be a few bacteria etc left over which develop resistance and then proliferate faster than those which are still susceptible to the antibiotic. Therefore the resistance spreads very quickly.

    Ps, antibiotics are not used for viruses as some people are saying.

    PPs, i got this off a website, it seems a good explanation. I'd look of the website to read it though cos it has some helpful diagrams.

    The Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections

    by Ricki Lewis, Ph.D.

    When penicillin became widely available during the second world war, it was a medical miracle, rapidly vanquishing the biggest wartime killer--infected wounds. Discovered initially by a French medical student, Ernest Duchesne, in 1896, and then rediscovered by Scottish physician Alexander Fleming in 1928, the product of the soil mold Penicillium crippled many types of disease-causing bacteria. But just four years after drug companies began mass-producing penicillin in 1943, microbes began appearing that could resist it.

    The first bug to battle penicillin was Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is often a harmless passenger in the human body, but it can cause illness, such as pneumonia or toxic shock syndrome, when it overgrows or produces a toxin.

    In 1967, another type of penicillin-resistant pneumonia, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and called pneumococcus, surfaced in a remote village in Papua New Guinea. At about the same time, American military personnel in southeast Asia were acquiring penicillin-resistant gonorrhea from prostitutes. By 1976, when the soldiers had come home, they brought the new strain of gonorrhea with them, and physicians had to find new drugs to treat it. In 1983, a hospital-acquired intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Enterococcus faecium joined the list of bugs that outwit penicillin.

    Antibiotic resistance spreads fast. Between 1979 and 1987, for example, only 0.02 percent of pneumococcus strains infecting a large number of patients surveyed by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were penicillin-resistant. CDC's survey included 13 hospitals in 12 states. Today, 6.6 percent of pneumococcus strains are resistant, according to a report in the June 15, 1994, Journal of the American Medical Association by Robert F. Breiman, M.D., and colleagues at CDC. The agency also reports that in 1992, 13,300 hospital patients died of bacterial infections that were resistant to antibiotic treatment.

    Why has this happened?

    "There was complacency in the 1980s. The perception was that we had licked the bacterial infection problem. Drug companies weren't working on new agents. They were concentrating on other areas, such as viral infections," says Michael Blum, M.D., medical officer in the Food and Drug Administration's division of anti-infective drug products. "In the meantime, resistance increased to a number of commonly used antibiotics, possibly related to overuse of antibiotics. In the 1990s, we've come to a point for certain infections that we don't have agents available."

    According to a report in the April 28, 1994, New England Journal of Medicine, researchers have identified bacteria in patient samples that resist all currently available antibiotic drugs.

    Survival of the Fittest

    The increased prevalence of antibiotic resistance is an outcome of evolution. Any population of organisms, bacteria included, naturally includes variants with unusual traits--in this case, the ability to withstand an antibiotic's attack on a microbe. When a person takes an antibiotic, the drug kills the defenseless bacteria, leaving behind--or "selecting," in biological terms--those that can resist it. These renegade bacteria then multiply, increasing their numbers a millionfold in a day, becoming the predominant microorganism.

    The antibiotic does not technically cause the resistance, but allows it to happen by creating a situation where an already existing variant can flourish. "Whenever antibiotics are used, there is selective pressure for resistance to occur. It builds upon itself. More and more organisms develop resistance to more and more drugs," says Joe Cranston, Ph.D., director of the department of drug policy and standards at the American Medical Association in Chicago.

    A patient can develop a drug-resistant infection either by contracting a resistant bug to begin with, or by having a resistant microbe emerge in the body once antibiotic treatment begins. Drug-resistant infections increase risk of death, and are often associated with prolonged hospital stays, and sometimes complications. These might necessitate removing part of a ravaged lung, or replacing a damaged heart valve.

    Bacterial Weaponry

    Disease-causing microbes thwart antibiotics by interfering with their mechanism of action. For example, penicillin kills bacteria by attaching to their cell walls, then destroying a key part of the wall. The wall falls apart, and the bacterium dies. Resistant microbes, however, either alter their cell walls so penicillin can't bind or produce enzymes that dismantle the antibiotic.

    In another scenario, erythromycin attacks ribosomes, structures within a cell that enable it to make proteins. Resistant bacteria have slightly altered ribosomes to which the drug cannot bind. The ribosomal route is also how bacteria become resistant to the antibiotics tetracycline, streptomycin and gentamicin.

    How Antibiotic Resistance Happens

    Antibiotic resistance results from gene action. Bacteria acquire genes conferring resistance in any of three ways.

    In spontaneous DNA mutation, bacterial DNA (genetic material) may mutate (change) spontaneously (indicated by starburst). Drug-resistant tuberculosis arises this way.

    In a form of microbial s*x called transformation, one bacterium may take up DNA from another bacterium. Pencillin-resistant gonorrhea results from transformation.

    Most frightening, however, is resistance acquired from a small circle of DNA called a plasmid, that can flit from one type of bacterium to another. A single plasmid can provide a slew of different resistances. In 1968, 12,500 people in Guatemala died in an epidemic of Shigella diarrhea. The microbe harbored a plasmid carrying resistances to four antibiotics!

    A Vicious Cycle: More Infections and Antibiotic Overuse

    Though bacterial antibiotic resistance is a natural phenomenon, societal factors also contribute to the problem. These factors include increased infection transmission, coupled with inappropriate antibiotic use.

    More people are contracting infections. Sinusitis among adults is on the rise, as are ear infections in children. A report by CDC's Linda F. McCaig and James M. Hughes, M.D., in the Jan. 18, 1995, Journal of the American Medical Association, tracks antibiotic use in treating common illnesses. The report cites nearly 6 million antibiotic prescriptions for sinusitis in 1985, and nearly 13 million in 1992. Similarly, for middle ear infections, the numbers are 15 million prescriptions in 1985, and 23.6 million in 1992.

    Causes for the increase in reported infections are diverse. Some studies correlate the doubling in doctor's office visits for ear infections for preschoolers between 1975 and 1990 to increased use of day-care facilities. Homelessness contributes to the spread of infection. Ironically, advances in modern medicine have made more people predisposed to infection. People on chemotherapy and transplant recipients taking drugs to suppress their immune function are at greater risk of infection.

    "There are the number of immunocompromised patients, who wouldn't have survived in earlier times," says Cranston. "Radical procedures produce patients who are in difficult shape in the hospital, and are prone to nosocomial [hospital-acquired] infections. Also, the general aging of patients who live longer, get sicker, and die slower contributes to the problem," he adds.

    Though some people clearly need to be treated with antibiotics, many experts are concerned about the inappropriate use of these powerful drugs. "Many consumers have an expectation that when they're ill, antibiotics are the answer. They put pressure on the physician to prescribe them. Most of the time the illness is viral, and antibiotics are not the answer. This large burden of antibiotics is certainly selecting resistant bacteria," says Blum.

    Another much-publicized concern is use of antibiotics in livestock, where the drugs are used in well animals to prevent disease, and the animals are later slaughtered for food. "If an animal gets a bacterial infection, growth is slowed and it doesn't put on weight as fast," says Joe Madden, Ph.D., strategic manager of microbiology at FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. In addition, antibiotics are sometimes administered at low levels in feed for long durations to increase the rate of weight gain and improve the efficiency of converting animal feed to units of animal production.

    FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine limits the amount of antibiotic residue in poultry and other meats, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture monitors meats for drug residues. According to Margaret Miller, Ph.D., deputy division director at the Center for Veterinary Medicine, the residue limits for antimicrobial animal drugs are set low enough to ensure that the residues themselves do not select resistant bacteria in (human) gut flora.

    FDA is investigating whether bac

  3. Bacteria have the ability to absorb other DNA into their DNA and that is how they become resistent

  4. It's not just the constant use of it. If your put on antibiotics for say strep throat and you stop taking the antibiotics when you feel better the strep virus may not be completly killed off, allowing the virus to adapt and build an immunity to that antibiotic. So when the virus comes back it's a different strand so you have to get a new and stronger antibiotic. Now this is floating thru your system, this new antibiotic and any virus's you contract will be able to adapt to this as well. Perscribing an antibiotic to strong for a virus causes the same thing to happen. The human body can kill off most infections that you would recieve on a daily basis eg. small cuts and scrapes, a cold virus but taking antibiotics for these simple things also causes your body to become dependant on antibiotics and can over time lower you immune systems strength. OVER usage of antibiotics causes newer, stronger strains of virus's to be born. So in essance were not building an immunity to antibiotics as much as the viruses are and our antibiotics are in a very limited supply. Thats why any GOOD doctor will perscribe bed rest and staying hydrated as opposed to just handing out a genral antibiotic as a cure all or an elixer.

    The advice "vixie" gave to switch to a stronger antibiotic is the exact reason we build up immunities and it's people like that who are unknowingly producing these "super viruses" you hear about in the news.

  5. over time taking alot of antibiotics builds a resistance to them in your system and you become immune to the effects. switch to another you don't have to take as  much like Zithromax its a 5 day 1 pill a day dose.

  6. Hey.......good question.!

    Please visit :

    You'll surely get more than enough details on Antibiotc resistance including its causes...!

    Thanx........Good Luck   !

  7. take penicillin

    today we need to use 100 times what was given as a dose in the 1950's when it was the "cure" for STD's

    the more we use them - and overuse them

    allows the 'bugs' they kill - to develop defenses

    also, when we need a 30 dose

    and use a 50 - - the one little bugger that escapes

    will multiply and teacj others how to beat the 50

    sorry I am not into the cruddy little details -

    just enough to be dangerous

    all the best

  8. Antibiotic resistance is the ability of a microorganism to withstand the effects of antibiotics. It is a specific type of drug resistance. Antibiotic resistance evolves naturally via natural selection acting upon random mutation, but it could also be engineered by applying an evolutionary stress on a population. Once such a gene is generated, bacteria can then transfer the genetic information in a horizontal fashion (between individuals) by plasmid exchange. If a bacterium carries several resistance genes, it is called multiresistant or, informally, a superbug. The term antimicrobial resistance is sometimes use to explicitly encompass organisms other than bacteria.

    Antibiotic resistance can also be introduced artificially into a microorganism through transformation protocols. This can aid in implanting artificial genes into the microorganism. If the resistance gene is linked with the gene to be implanted, the antibiotic can be used kill off organisms that lack the new gene.

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