
Can any1 give me brief details abt Self employment scheme in india?

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when it was started etc. why it was started.....

i searched it on google but couldn't find it.






  2. There are many self employment schemes

    it depends on the state, district and area you are living

    suppose if you are in Pollachi, Tamilnadu... there is many opportunity for doing coconut related ..coir mat industry etc

    and so on., if you provide further details we will guide you

  3. well maybe you can try this website below. I started my online business only recently and it gives me a decent income for a newcomer like me. Moreover, she is a local and so far help me a lot. If you have any query, feel free to ask me.

    This program will not guarantee you will be making money within 10 min or half hour but it definitely will make money in the long run. We are talking business here and not some GET-RICH-QUICK program. For me, I get my first sale of $33.90 just straight after one day.

  4. The idea of taking up Self Employment as a vocation is gaining momentum amongst the educated youth. In fact, entrepreneurship has been introduced as one of the subjects of study at both school and college/university level. Moreover, short term training programmes on Entrepreneurship Development are organized from time to time. The Government is also framing and launching various schemes/policies to encourage, promote and develop small entrepreneurs. A number of incentives have been introduced in the form of subsidies, capital assistance, procurement of machines/equipments, allotment of industrial plants/kiosks/sheds etc. for setting up of ventures. Various Departments, Corporations, Agencies, Financial Institutions have come forward and extend several schemes/facilities to cover different categories of entrepreneurs and ventures.

    In Delhi a number of Self Employment Schemes are available as under:

    A.             Rural Employment Generation Programme ( R.E.G.P.) } Run by Delhi Khadi &

    B.             Rajiv Gandhi Swablamban Rozgar Yojna } Village Industries

    C.             Self Employment Scheme for Unemployed Educated Youth } Board (DKVIB)

    D.             Prime Minister Rozgar Yojna (PMRY) } Implemented by the Offices of

    E.              Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojna } Deputy Commissioners


    In this scheme financial assistance is provided through Nationalized Banks and Delhi State Co-operative Banks for setting up of recognized industrial units up to a limit of Rs. 25 lakhs. The margin money up to 25% or 30% is provided depending upon the category of applicant and remaining amount is provided by the Bank as loan. Age of the applicant should be between 18-55 years at the time of submitting the application.

    10 % of the total cost of the project is to be borne by the applicant as his contribution. In case of weaker sections it is 5%.

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