
Can any1 help ive got a huge problem with a nursery teacher at my sons school?

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i have a 2 year old which starts in another years time but i dont want him going if this woman is still teaching is there anyway of finding out if she would still be working there at the time my younger son goes to nursery.the problem is she has a really bad attitude she is right and your wrong all the time theres no leaway the school is really good but i dont want to cause any trouble any advise please and dont say ignore her because i will not be able to thankyou




  1. just  call and ask is _________ teaching here ? thank you bye its simple they should tell u, u dont have to say ur name and if they ask y say i am  might sign my child up and i would like to know is she will be teaching him!

  2. Don't think you can do much about the teacher. You can report your concern to the head-master and asked if the received any reports before. Do you know about the teacher from word of mouth or your experient? If just word of mouth, you can get the clerification from other teachers, if experience, well, maybe you can ask for different class for your child. If you really cannot tolerate, look for another school...

  3. If your concerns are valid, you should take them to the person in charge. If all you say is true about this woman then yours will not have been the first one.

  4. deni and flying are right: you need to identify precisely what the problem is - you've been too vague in your question.  Then speak to other mums and find out if they feel the same.  If they do, then together you should approach the head of the school.

  5. If you don't want to cause any trouble, then you should find another school. You do not have to choose one that employs teachers that are negative. There are many good schools out there. Go elsewhere!

    That said, if you still insist on this school, then you must either accept the circumstances and set a good example (be a good role model on how to deal with others) for your child. Learn to take a stand, but in a productive, professional manner. No one can predict the future if she will still be there in another year. If she still is there, then you may have to discuss the problem with the administration. Perhaps your child will be able to be placed in a different classroom. If not, then it will be up to you to deal with it. You will likey come across several teachers throughout your child's school years that you won't particularly like. I am not sure you will always have the options that you have at the nursery. Good luck.

  6. You could see about asking for the teacher you'd like your child to be with ahead of time.

    When my daughter came to her new school before classes  started I investigated who were the best performing teachers. Then I requested my daughters teacher a few weeks before school started.

  7. There is no way to find out if she will still be there as things change in both private and school life.

    That said do not leave it as it is you need to sort out the problem. This happened to me when my youngest was at school but I didn't know as much then.

    Approach the Head and discuss the problem, this is not causing trouble but rather allowing the Head to know one of his staff has a problem with attitude. You have every right to discuss your feeling and should do. If you get no joy ask for the address of the Chair of Governors and put your feeling in a letter.

  8. You need to enquire at the school for a copy of their Partnership with Parents/Carers Policy. This policy should state that parents/carers have the right to state concerns and be listened to. Put your complaint in writing and send a copy to the head and the teacher concerned but be precise about what's happened previously and state that you feel that you're not being valued and respected as a parent. Good luck, hope all gets resolved.

  9. Unfortunately you get people like that in all walks of life, you just have to learn to deal with them.  The important issue here is that your children get a good education and enjoy their time at nursery.  If this teacher is taking care of your children, treats them fairly, they are happy there and progressing well, then is there really a big problem?  Nursery will only be for a couple of years and then they will be moving on to primary school.  

    If you absolutely cannot get past these issues, after talking with the woman concerned and possibly the head teacher, then really the only choice open to you is enrolling your younger child elsewhere.  Bear in mind though that you could just as easily meet someone the same at another school.

  10. Call them-just ask them if "so-and-so" is still working there...chances are if they are there now they will be there for a while unless something happens.

    Too be honest if she is a leader or supervisor there then you're best off choosing another Nursery for your son! If she's still there, and you cant ignore her then there really isnt any other option...

    go to: if you want to look up other Nurseries. x

  11. talk to other mums, and see if they have a problem with her too, also talk to the head-teacher about your concerns, they will advise you as best they can, good luck

  12. Do you know if any of the other parents have problems with her?  If so, maybe you can all discuss the best way to handle her.

    Have you spoken to the teacher's supervisor or the principal?  Whomever is over her should be made aware of the situation and the problems you are having.

  13. Are any other parents having the same problem,talk to them. Be direct ask the teacher if she is having any problems with your child, if your child is unhappy about going to school ask if she might know why, put her on the spot for some answers. she's only a teacher not a trained assassin don't be worried about confronting her.Be sure that your son is happy even though you may not have 'clicked' with her.

  14. why cant you give the teacher a chance give it a week or two youll like her.

  15. Do you know what punctuation marks are?  Do you know why we use them?  Clarity...clarity.....and using them shows you attended school and listened and learned.  

    I think the school probably has a huge problem with you.  You sound like a pest and irritant.

  16. I think you have to assume that she will still be there, unless she finds another job or is sacked.  What specifically is it she is doing to upset you?  Can you not have an adult conversation with her and just explain that she is upsetting you and the reasons why, hopefully you would be able to reach some sort of compromise.  Good luck.

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