
Can any1 recommend any cleanersfor fibreglass interior of a boat 2 remove nicotine and water stains?

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interior fibreglass badly marked with nicotine staining and with water marks, some yellowish and some black streaks from leaks on window seals.




  1. My mum has fibreglass garden furniture, and she swears by soda crystals disolved in hot water.  You can get them in some supermarkets, and most local hardware shops, and they're really cheap.  Good for getting those yucky caffeine stains out of coffee mugs, too.  Just leave it soak a while.

  2. flash spray with bleach,its brilliant

  3. Diluted muriatic or oxalic acid. Will clean anything off fiberglass inside or out. Start off with a really weak solution and add more acid if it doesn't cut. Wear rubber gloves, goggles and a face mask. Open all ports if it's inside the boat and take frequent breaks to get fresh air.

  4. bon ami, soft scrub, or spray nine(have to get a marine store), the spray nine will work but alittle pricer than the other 2, if it is stained too bad, and none of them work, then go to a pool supply store and use muratic acid, will definetly work just wear old clothes and be carefulwhen you use it.

  5. elbow grease and soapy water

  6. I use wirewool and white spirit to remove (ahem!) stains!

  7. Sugar soap.Cleans everything cheap and very good.Hope this helps Cassie

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