
Can anybody, tell Me about Team Natonal (BIGN)?

by Guest34459  |  earlier

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I just want to know, if the good thing they offer are for real. Need to know, if the primium package that they offer, that cost 2,300.00, is any good, and also need to know, if is true, that they have good benefits, for there members and the members family.




  1. i've heard of team national.  their scheme is similar to  pyramid marketing.  they sell a so called "benefit package" (coupon book) for $2,000+ where you get discounts on items you purchase off the internet.  you can PROBABLY make money BUT you have to bug the heck out of all your friends and relatives over and over coz you have to sell the package to them too.  

    i don't have personal experience with them.  all i can tell you is pyramid marketing is not for everyone.  please use your better judgment.

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