
Can anybody cheer me up? I had a really bad day.?

by  |  earlier

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Make me laugh, please :)




  1. What else can go wrong. ……BOOM!!!!!  

  2. **hugs**

    watch this, it makes me laugh, and it's true...

  3. *´¨)

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)

    (¸.•´ (¸.• Rictusempra!

    There that should make you laugh! Try and have a good day!

  4. A six year old girl was reciting The Lord's Prayer one sunday morning after church and her mom was so excited she had listened at church that day. The little girl was doing great, but in the middle part she said, "And forgive as our trash passes, as we forgive those who pass trash against us... I think she was right on with those sweet words. Cheer up ... God loves you... Joni

  5. OK, well this happend 2 days ago. I was making spaggetios for my brother. And you know how they make thiose annoying like soda openers instead of the origional open-it-with-a-can-opener-thing? So i got it open half way. then i had to open irt really hard cuz it was stubborn, and i spilled half the can, and the spaggetios got all over the place, including ME. Then i put the rest of them in the microwave and they exploded!

  6. I'm crazy in love with you,will you marry me?!!!!!!!

  7. Count your blessings that always cheers me up

  8. well one time i was in the movie theatre. a man came in w/ a group while the credits were rolling, and he was carrying a tray of pretzel pieces and cheese. and he was so focused on the screen, that when he went to sit in the aisle seat, he didn't realize he was still standing IN THE AISLE. and so, two feet away from me, in the quiet dark of the theater, he goes to sit w/ a heavy landing in those nice theater seats to enjoy his pretzels. but instead he hits the ground and absolutely rolls backwards, feet over head yelling "OH ****" as his pretzels fly into the air.

    and lucky for him, no one really noticed, so he was able to look around, and nonchalantly make his way back to his seat, while me and my friend look at one another in horrified hysterics.


  9. A man walks into a bar.  He sits down, and pulls a small man out of his pocket.  Out of his bag, he pulls a miniature piano and a small bench.  The tiny man sits down and begins to play Beehtoven's 5th Sympony, quite beautifully.

    The bartender walks over to the man and says, 'That is the most amazing thing I've ever seen!'

    The man replies, 'It's actually a sad story.  I'm an archaeologist, and I was on a dig in the Middle East.  I uncovered an ancient genie lamp, and when I rubbed it a genie actually appeared!  He told me that he had been there for thousands of years, and that he had grown old and weak.  He did say that he had enough power left to grant me one wish."

    The bartender asks, "...And you wished for this?"

    "...Nope.  Genie was hard of hearing and thought I asked for a 12-inch pianist."

  10. i have a rooster and you have a donkey. your donkey eats both feet off my rooster. what do you have?

    2 feet of my c**k in your a$$

  11. you wanna laugh?... look in the mirror!

    nah, sorry not really. just saw the opportunity and ran for it. lol


  12. weird question my answer proberly not but hey ill give it a go,

    its hard without offending someone


    my brother does this and it cheers me up they are movie lines guess what movie and the scene...

    "dude havent you heard of a dog?!"

    "Yeah but you can get passed a dog but nobody f***s with a lion!"

    dont know it google it and watch that movie it is sure to cheer you up!

  13. why did the chicken cross the road?


  14. go to youtube and type Monster ask watch the video you'll love it hhope your day gets better

  15. So an egg and a chicken get married, and our their wedding night they make love for hours.

    After they're finished the chicken looks at the egg and says "Well, I guess we know the answer to that age-old question!!"

  16. A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.

    He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband tells his wife:

    "Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck." If he wants s*x, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you."

    To which his wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He wwas whispering in my ear. He told me he was g*y, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!"

  17. Three guys walk in to a bar...

    the fourth one ducks.

  18. .well..all i can think of iz here's the link 2 this youtube video. itz mine and i think its pretty funni. basically my sistr was dancing like a freak and i started taping her and she screamed like a girl in a horror film.

    heres the link if u want it.

  19. here lol

  20. Did you hear about the zen master who ordered a hot dog? he said" ill have one with everything"

  21. I don't get it , why is the fourth one a Duck ?

    i had some lights recently installed, the electrician

    was on a ladder , replacing new lighting in my bedroom

    Unknown to him my little Chihuahua came into the

    room .........She immediately took a dislike to the new

    lights been installed.... who knows thinking it was some

    kind of giant spider on the ceiling.....anyway this happened

    so suddenly , the electrician was on his way down, she

    growled and barked really crazy...because he had not

    seen her , this startled him, he missed his footing and

    landed on my bed.....Just as i had peered in to the room

    this unfolded before my eyes.....I am still laughing now

    picturing him falling with the screwdriver in his hand and

    the shocked look on his face and my determined

    Chihuahua still yapping like mad.

  22. Have you seen Ray Charles house???

    Either has

    How can you have a bad day at 11 A.M???  

  23. okay woohoo you can do it u rock lol :)

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