
Can anybody explain this article on Absolute and Relative Paths on html for me?

by Guest57330  |  earlier

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I don't understand what it means...




  1. Two files in the same folder on your computer:



    Relative = starting from where I am, it's here.

    Absolute = doesn't matter where I am, go here.

    Telling someone where the Jones live:

    Relative - "5 doors down that way"

    Absolute - 15 Somewhere Street, Chicago.

    Relative path:

    <a href = "mysecondpage.html"> Second Page</a>

    Absolute path:

    <a href = "c:/mywebsite/mysecondpage.html"> Second Page</a>

    (although I'm not sure this is the correct way to write a link for a computer)

    If you used a relative path link and decided to move mypage1.html into a different folder such as C:\myphotos, the link would be useless because mysecondpage.html isn't in the same folder any more.  An absolute link would still work.

    Root relative is this:

    <a href = "/mywebsite/mysecondpage.html"> Second Page</a>

    Putting the / at the beginning means go as far back up the path as possible and start from there.

  2. Say you have a website called '' and at the root of your website you have a page called "index.html" and a folder called 'styles'.

    In the styles folder you have a file called 'blue.css'.

    In your index.html you can add a link to blue.css using a relative path or an absolute path.

    Relative path: "/styles/blue.css"

    Absolute path "

    so relative path is simply where you would go from the file you are linking from.

    since index.html is located in:

    you only need to go /styles/blue.css (forward into styles to get blue.css)

    so really a relative path is exactly that a path to the file relative to the file you are linking from.

    if you where to have:


    your relative path would be "../styles/blue.css"

    the .. simply means to go back a folder and then you go forward into styles to get to blue.css

  3. The article is saying this

    if you have a file named index.html which is located in folder tree


    now you want to link to the page newtrees.html which is in the same folder you would just link it like this



    Document Relative Paths


    now say you have your index.html file in the folder trees which trees is in the folder home.


    now you want to link to services.html which is located in home you will have to use:


    we use ../ to mean go down one folder


    Document Relative Paths


    now say you have index.html which is located in newtrees which newtrees is located in trees and trees is located in home


    now you want to grab the page services.html which is in the home folder:


    i set ../ 2 times to show that we need to go down 2 folders.


    Root Relative Paths


    now just say you have index.html in folder home


    now you want to grab the page new.html which is located in the folder trees in which trees is in the folder home.


    you dont use ../ because your going up a folder


    Absolute Paths


    say you want your index.html in the folder home.


    now you want to to link to a page on another site you just link the hole url to the page.

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