
Can anybody explain this? my friend woke up feeling paralysed?

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my friend told me she has woken up on one or two occasions unable to move or open her eyes. she said she was aware of everything going on, she just couldnt move or speak and she felt like she was paralysed. anybody have an explaination for this?




  1. its called sleep paraylsis, its very common, it mostly happens when you are beginning to wake up or just on the edge of falling asleep...many people experience other entities, while this is happening.. a pressence that is with them...some strange stuff can happen while in this state...

  2. Sleep paralysis:

    It's fairly common and fairly well-understood.

  3. lucid dreaming. The body is still asleep, but the mind awake.

  4. We get a lot of "sleep paralysis" cases in our paranormal research / investigations.

    Clients who claim someone is sitting on them, they can't move but they're totally conscience of the surroundings and noise.

    This sounds like you had a bout of sleep paralysis.

    Sleep paralysis is normal. It happens when you're totally exhausted. Even if you don't "feel" exhausted, your mind says; "ok lady, Im totally shutting down and passing out now."

    Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from a REM state, but the bodily paralysis persists. This leaves the person fully aware, but unable to move. it's a relatively common sleep disorder. Professor Cheyne:

    "Sleep paralysis is in the first instance a brief period of complete paralysis when you are either waking or falling asleep. I suspect it comes down to a fairly minor anomaly in the brain stem that regulates waking and sleeping and that for some of us there's a loose switch of an electrochemical sort which is out of balance."

    There's also an old wives tale called "The Hag" or "Old Hag Syndrome"

    If ya wanna read about it.

  5. She must have consumed some really bad weed the night before.





  6. sounds like "go to the doctor right now" disease

  7. Yeah but was paralysed feeling her back?? Could be mutual consent.

  8. It is called sleep paralysis.  Google's a very common condition actually. Your brain shuts your body down while its dreaming so you don't hurt yourself.  Sometimes it lags a bit when you wake up.

  9. I have provided you a link below on sleep paralysis.


  10. It is sleep paralysis.  It can sometimes be drug induced, though not always.  Is she taking any narcotics or sleep aids, even something rx or otc?

  11. sounds like she had a nightmare and was scared stiff

  12. sleep paralaysis (sp?) its ken b caused by several different things, or sometimes it just happens. its nothing to worry about.  ill bet it happens to everyone at some point (its kinda kool if u learn 2 control it!)

  13. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I have had this happen to me LOTS of times and I can tell you exactly what it is.

    your friend is most likely extremely tired but wakes up because her body clock tells her to.

    one time it happened to me because my neck was twisted and it pinched my spinal cord and I couldn't move from the neck down.

    read this too

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