
Can anybody explain to me more about this link yahoo showed about Mexican land?

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They showed it today so you can check it if you do not with to open the link here.

It is about the land that was stolen from Mexico years ago; which is true anyway.

I just want to know more about it; no more than that.





  1. I don't see many people boycotting Absolut because of their controversial ad. Any publicity is good publicity...made ya look.

  2. Yes Mexico owned that land in the past. The US overtook most of it in the Mexican American war. Mexico nows feels sensitive about this subject b/c they still feel this was their land & regret what happened. & now most Americans want to keep Mexicans out & have hatred towards them. Which I think is wrong & I am from the US. Just my opinion.  But here are some links to read over, watch the timeline too:


    ADDED: Just because the land was won in a war, doesn't make it justified- Just because you have a stronger millitary you shouldnt be able to just take land & force out the people who already live there. But this is how many country's came to be & its too late to turn back time now, but that doesnt mean we need to treat them badly either.

  3. It wasn't stolen, it was claimed by the U.S. in the treaty following the Mexican war of 1846, Which was started by the Mexican Army massacre of Americans at the Alamo in the newly formed state of Texas.

    The United States marched on Mexico City and ended the war in 1848.

    The advert in your question is causing much controversy about the subject as many Mexicans feel that the land should still be mexico and Absolut vodka is condoning that ideology, Many are starting boycotts against Absolut as a result of the advert.

    Bebe: It doesn't Matter if it's "Fair" Territory is one of the oldest reasons for war, one nation wants additional territory - so they take it from their neighbors. Yes, the nation with the strongest military has the rights to any land they see fit.

    If Mexico wants "their" land back, they can bring their army up here and try to take it.

  4. to octocat,  Your answer seems to need much more inquiring about history, you have to read both sides of this particular event in history. I´m sorry but Alamo was a cunstruction in San Antonio de Béjar, wich by the way was a city in the state of Coahuila y Tejas, MEXICO........not the USA..... ¿¿¿????

    And if I remember well it was the texans who were fighting for indepence....not?

    Among those there were anglos and mexicans....have you really look into what was texas before becoming part of the US?

    In fact the person who recovered this historic site from demolition was a woman named Zavala whos ancester fought in the war to make Texas a Republic and ..yes its an spanish therefore Mexican name.....

    About the advertisement, it was ment to cause cotrouversy an yes it is happening......

    I don´t think that anybody in the "used to be" territories from Mexico  will want to become part of Mexico again even when this are full with mexicans......

    Past is past.

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