
Can anybody give me 2 examples of propaganda from a tv/radion ad? and there techniques if possible?

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Can anybody give me 2 examples of propaganda from a tv/radion ad? and there techniques if possible?




  1. Propaganda is designed to persuade, so most ads you see on TV are propaganda. Techniques?

    jump on the bandwagon - everybody's voting for XYZ, you should, too

    pointing to another wrong: The Goons attacked out fort. Yeah, well, they let all the sheep out. Pointing to another wrong is a distraction technique.

    post hoc ergo propter hoc - after this therefore because of this. For example, obese people are more likely to get lung cancer. Yeah, but obese people are less likely to take good care of their health in the first place, so they smoke.

    cults of personality: Stalin, Hitler, Kim Jong Il and other dictators create cults of personality, elevating the country's leader to god-like status.

    There are a lot more. Watch TV ads to see how experts convince you that you must have blah, blah, blah. It's the same sales technique as propaganda.

    Good question,

    Paul Lalley

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