
Can anybody give me a recipy for for a good pitza dough ?

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Can anybody give me a recipy for for a good pitza dough ?




  1. pita flour and... some greek Ouzo (greek melon alcohol)

    after all, thats what should be in it in the Beer Wine & Sprits channel

    you should probably ask in the Cooking & Recipes or Ethnic Cuisine channels

  2. Well I don't have any but I found some websites that do.

    You might get better results if you post this in the recipe section instead of Beer, Wine, and Spirits! Good Luck!

  3. recip y  or recipe oh forget it.☺

    1 cup flower ☺oops flour

    Mix one cup of yeast and let rest

    add a tsp of sugar and a dash of salt to the flour

    You can add herbs and a little oil??

    mix dry stuff

    let everything set a while

    the yeast should have a ½ in of foam on top,

    mix in about ½ cup ±- -  mix well... it should be sticky but come loose from the bowl ..

    turn it out on a flowered ☺(floured) board

    DO NOT kneed too much

    your dough should be 'very' soft but JUST dry to touch

    Now it needs to absorb all the yeast ,,,give it an hour,,** 12 ??☺

    while you are waiting... make your sauce and prep your goodies to go on top..

    Good luck

    400ºf and about 15 - 20 min

    Just till the cheese bubbles

    if - - - you try to stretch it out  and it springs back it is TOO DRY

    get your spritzer spray bottle and use up some of the yeast  

  4. easiest (pretty good) pizza dough ever: use a biscuit dough recipe... all you have to do is alter the time required to let the dough rise!

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