
Can anybody give me advice as to whether i can rent a house when my name is already on a mortgage?

by  |  earlier

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I have decided to leave my partner and really need a place of my own with my daughter any advice would be welcome.




  1. Yes of course you can, your landlord is only going to be interested in whether you can pay your rent.

  2. As others have said, yes you can as long as you can afford the rent. Here is something you don't know. Just remember if you move out and you don't pay a penny more off that mortgage,ie leaving your partner to pay it all, you are still entitled to half the value of the house when it is sold. It is not acceptable in court for him to state that he has been paying the mortgage on his own because the judge will tell him that he has had the benefit of the house and you have had to pay but for alternative accommodation. Check it out, you will see I'm correct.

  3. Yes. Having a mortgage is no hindrance to renting another house or even buying another one.

  4. As long as you can pay the rent and, in some cases, pass a credit check, there's no reason you can't do anything you like with your pennies. Rent as many houses as you can afford if you so wish.

    The only thing I will say if that you're normally tied to a 6 month contract at least and if your name is still on the mortgage, any arrears etc may also go against your name.

  5. You can do what you like as long as you can afford to pay - a landlord isn't interested in your old house/mortgage - he is only interested in getting the monthly rent

  6. Your credit is the most important issue unless you are renting from a private party.  The question is can you afford the rent?  If your credit is good and you have the money then there should be no problem.

  7. Yes, you can rent a house even if you have a mortgage.

  8. Of course you can - I did exactly that in similar circumstances.  All the very best!

  9. Yes you can, but if you have references taken the fact that you pay a mortgage will come up, and will be a taken into consideration when your credit checks are done.

    It will mean when your income is checked for ability to pay the rent, it will show that you are on half the mortgage which will be taken into account when working out the rent ratio.

  10. Yes, of course you can - good luck. Not sure where you live but if in UK you may be eligible for housing benefit

  11. There is nothing stopping you renting a place. It might be that when the letting agent / landlord carry out credit checks (not all of them do), they might want a bit more in writing that you can afford the rent.

    You should try and resolve the issue about the mortgage with your partner, because if they get behind in payments, it will reflect on you too. If there is equity in the house, you can ask for your share, if not, than try and get your name removed from the mortgage deeds.

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