
Can anybody give me their opinion of what this dream I had means?

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I had a dream last night that my b/f and I were getting married. My parents had put alot of money into the wedding and everything. Well anyways in the dream my b/f's family was complaining the entire time during the ceremony, and afterwards left in a rush. At the reception none of my b/f's family was there, only my family. And I remember being just real devastated and upset.

anyone have an idea of what this dream means?




  1. It seems like your dream is an extension of your longing to be accepted.  You're afraid that no matter how much you love your b/f or he loves you, that his family and friends will still think of you as the "outsider".

  2. This reminds me of being isolated.

    I feel angry.

  3. I think this is just about your fears. Perhaps you feel like your boyfriends family don't like you as much as you want them to?  this I'm sure won't come true, so don't panic!!

  4. This sounds like you're either afraid your boyfriend's family doesn't accept you or that they think you're not good enough for him. Have they expressed these type of feelings to you or him? If not, maybe you just have some insecurity issues to work through. But if they have, maybe you need to work on winning them over. Best of luck.

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