
Can anybody help me, with some catchy phrases to promote a night club?

by  |  earlier

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Almost like a beg. grabber get someone listening..




  1. Although this is not the best answer...what is the style of club. That would help to provide you an answer.

  2. come see the moon all nite long..

  3. i'll quote one guy from the main street just in front of a dance club who says

    ' when the night is right the jeans are tight '

    it grabbed my attention by being so meaningless that i gotta check that place someday

  4. "Looking to find Mr./Ms. Right? or maybe Mr./Ms. one-night? Come to ____, where the drinks will be flowing until ?:00 in the morning... The best place to party around... meet new people and have a fun night out with your friends."

    Target the reasons people come to your club. It may depend on what kind of night club (that would be helpful to know) or what you have to offer that other clubs you compete with don't have. Target your strengths. If you don't have any strengths, such as bar specials or a sweet dance floor or rockin' dj, use something like my idea above... targeting the reasons people go out in the first place. (To drink, meet someone, be seen, dance, etc.)

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