
Can anybody help me figure out what's going on with my cycle and erratic chart temperatures?

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My temps for the last few days have been a little crazy. I felt ovulation pain in one ovary all day yesterday and felt some in the other ovary the day before. I don't know if that means I ovulated twice this month or not. Anyhow, my ovulation is very delayed, but I had eggwhite cervical mucous yesterday and then 2 days before that (not sure about the day in between). If anybody can offer me some advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.




  1. It looks like day 24 was your day.  my dr suggests trying every other day then you are more likely to hit at the right time.

  2. I can see the confusion, and from your past few charts, it's hard to know when to expect ovulation. Seems to be in the range of CD20-27 so far, but your June chart doesn't have any temps at the crucial time of the cycle.

    I suspect from the pain that you're going to ovulate soon. Many women feel it on both sides, so that's normal. I would be sure to BD today and tomorrow, and the next day! I would also consider buying an OPK and testing today and for the next few days. Chances are you've missed the surge, but if it's happening today, then at least you'd get a + or two in, and that is useful info for your chart.

    Then, next month, start doing OPKs on CD20 and see how that goes.  

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