
Can anybody help me with my speech?

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Can anybody help to complete my speech slides?

My topic is What if we don't have electricity.

slide 1: Life without electricity ( it's my topic name )

slide2: Have you ever Imagined what your Life Would be like Without it? ( it's my hook ) and has picture of dark city

slide 3: (electric usage chart) i'm going to say that there is more than half percentage of electric usage in residential area

slide 4: Effects

- On human life

- No communication

-no computers ,TV, telephones



( I need help what else can i put here and how to organize my slides if any ideas please share them with me and help me)

slide 5: Solution ( help with to find solution for each effect please )








  1. Poor medical care - how many people are taken to emergency rooms at night?

    No way to control traffic at night.  

    No sewer systems (as they require power to operate)

    Solution:  to conserve energy, convert plants to nuclear power Like in Europe.  Convert all non-defense, non-emegency government vehicles to liquid natural gas fuel systems to reduce demand on fossil fuels.

    the switch from coal/natural gas will decrease demand on natural gas and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  2. We simply go back in time and become primitive again. Technology cannot exist if there is no electricity. Imagine to have to wash your own clothes with hand or using candle or fuel-lamps because you don't have light bubs.

    If there is no electricity, there will be no machines. Without machines, we wont have frozen, canned or bottle food and beverages, no soft smooth clothes on our backs and comfortable fitting shoes.

    There will not be entertainment. No dancing to the blasting music in the pub, no large scale concert, no movies...

    Life is much harder if there is no electricity. A city will not be a city if not for electricity. Modern civilization cannot exist without electricity.

    Note: You should also include a definition of electricity in your presentation. Anything involve wires uses electricity. Cars have wires in it.

    No matter what is the solution, electricity will be there.

    Conclusion, we cannot live without electricity.

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