
Can anybody help my throat.?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I swallow it huts and I tried honey and it worked

But this is what really hurts a keep Clearing my throat every 5 seconds.

Can anybody help me?




  1. See a doctor.

  2. hit yourself in the eye. than go sleep

  3. Grab a flashlight and check the back of your throat.  If you see white patches on the right and left (tonsils), it's a good indicator that it's strep and you'll need antibiotics.

    Either way, if it's that painful you should see a doctor to rule out serious issues.

    If it's bad just in the morning, it's probably just post nasal drip, but what your describing sounds more like strep

  4. I think you should just go to the doctor.

    You might just have a throat infection or something.

  5. You need to see the doctor and have him do a throat culture on you to see if you have strep or tonsillitis.  In that case, you would need some antibiotics.  If not, taking tylenol or something like it for the pain and gargling 4 or 5 times a day with very warm salt water will help.  Using Cloraseptic throat spray or sucking on Cloroseptic or Sucrets throat lozenges will help too. Eat foods that are soft because they are easier to swallow. Hot soup is good too.   Stay away from others until you are over your illness so you don't pass it around...

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