
Can anybody help to explain this to me?

by  |  earlier

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I am new here and I noticed Poppy asked a question, she got 20 answers 2 answers were not marked. 8 had one thumbs up, 6 had 2 thumbs up 1 had 3 thumbs up 2 had 4 thumbs up

1 had 6 thumbs up. Nana T asked if it was a trick

question. Poppy gave best answer to someone with 2 thumbs up. Was this a trick question or did Poppy give best answer to her friend.




  1. Ive gone dizzy with this one. Stop the world i want to get off.

  2. Whoever asks the question gets to pick the Best Answer.  The thumbs up an down are given by anyone else who cares to read the question and the answers.  It isn't like they are voting on Best Answer.

  3. Poppy gives the Best Answer to whomever Poppy decides provided the BEST answer.

    As a new person here, you have to build up your points to gain more "priviledges."  If you look at the "Point System" link below, it will explain what priviledges come with the different levels.

    As for the voting with Thumbs UP/Down, you do not have that priviledge... YET.  That will come when you reach Level 2 with 250+ points.

    For you to start earning more points, my suggestions to you are to:

    1- limit asking questions, each one COSTS you 5 points

    2. ANSWER as many questions as you can EACH DAY

    3. VOTE for the Best Answer on "undecided" questions up to your limit each day.

    4. when answering questions, try to be as GOOD and informative as possible so your answer might be the BEST ANSWER choice.  That earns you 10 points with each Best Answer.

    Follow these suggestions, and you will get to level 2 in no time... and then level 3, 4, and so on!

    WELCOME to Y!A and have FUN!

    Have a Senior day.

  4. All very interesting I am new here too.

  5. we all have our own perspectives and ideas therefore i would imagine poppy gave the best answer as it was the nearest to her own opinion. it does'nt matter who gets thumbs up or down or how many,these come from everywhere, trolls and people who don't answer the question themselves but have an opinion, the best answer is down to the questioner.

  6. Poppy simply thought that the person with two thumbs up had the best answer.

    the thumbs are the other people's opinions on your answer, not that asker's

  7. Why ask US?  Ask POPPY.  Only POPPY knows.

    Why do YOU care?  Do you live for the points?   Did you know that if you have 10,000 points, are 55 or older, those points and 49¢ will get you a senior coffee at Hardees?


  8. Thumbs up for Dif f.

    Hee hee.

  9. The thumbs up and down is the rating to the answer. Whether you liked the answer the person gave you or not. You pick the best answer, after 2 days the question has been posted. I think its 2 days. Anyone can rate these answers btw.

  10. I don't agree with whoever said don't ask questions. If every one felt that way, there wouldn't be questions to answer. If you ask questions, just answer more!!! I am going to the Pet Section--Cats. Have a good  day..

  11. The great thing on this site about asking a question is that you get to choose which answer you liked best.  Yes , they could just pick the best answer based on the number of thumbs up but then you would have to factor in all the thumbs down too.  Talk about confusing.!  If its my question then I think I should get to determine who best answered it..

  12. I'm goin to difs house

  13. Hi Beddy,  No,  I was joking because someone gave me a thumbs down.  How can you get a thumbs down if someone asks if your happy with you're life and you say yes?  I was being goofy.  I'm so sorry, I confused you.

    No, Poppy wasn't asking a trick question.  She didn't pick her friend necessarily either.  She picked the answer that was the *right answer* for her.  Thumbs up or down don't mean anything.  Except if the reader agrees or not.

    And ignore the kids...they're just being silly.  Welcome to the funny farm!


  14. reading this was frustrating dude but i do think its up to the asker... if they didnt like the more thumbs, or it wasnt relevant enough then i guess why should she pick it???

  15. huh

  16. I think I'm !

  17. yes.

  18. Giving the best answer to a friend is not against the rules.

  19. ahhh, ya! what you said the first time!  lol!

  20. You gave me a headache with that one.

  21. I need to stop smoking weed cause that was one big riddle.

  22. Poppy gave the points to who she thought gave the best answer that's all.  There is no advantage to people giving pointds to friends because there is nothing to win.

  23. whos poppy?

    there are millions of people on yahoo answers there is no way with that little of info someone could answer that.

  24. the thumbs up and down are given by other people reading the answers it just their opinion The asker could give a thumbs down best answer if she/he thinks it is best answer

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