
Can anybody help with ideas for my art project?

by Guest59820  |  earlier

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Hey, I am stuck for what to do for my art project which I have to have it ready for school in 3 weeks!! I have ideas but I don't know how they would work. Here they are anyway:

Initially, my idea was to do a sunset sky in the background with silhouettes of dogs or any animal in front and maybe some trees/grass etc but that's when I thought it would be too simple! I want to use lots of different medium like photography, charcoal, pencil, text, newspaper and doing that would just be paint for the sunset and black paper for silhouettes which I thought was too boring.

So then I had the idea to do an 'old' theme with off-white newspaper as the background and make my photographs look old with photoshop...have some kind of text and sequins..and just generally include lots..maybe even patterns with charcoal. I don't know how all this would come together though and I did really poorly with my last art project so want to do something different this year. Does anyone have any ideas? :( It's for GCSE art.




  1. Take a photo with a lot of great colour in it (a lot of bright coloured flowers) and enlrage it.  Then cover it with black paper.  Reveal the photo by punching out different shapes on the black paper.

  2. Why dont you compose a sculpture or 3D Art peice based around the 7 deadly sins?

    Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Lust and Wrath.

    If you dont understand what they involve then heres a link to a wikipedia page that gives a basic idea about what they are:

    I think this would be a great idea. You could have a strong colour scheme: a corresponding colour for each sin:

    Sloth - Light Blue

    Envy - Emerald Green

    Wrath - Deep/Blood Red

    Greed - Gold

    Lust - Hot Pink

    Pride - Violet/Purple

    Gluttony - Green/Yellow

    Those colours correspond to the sins through emotion and colour psychology  but you can change the colours if you feel like it, theres no rule! (

    I think theres specific animals to each sin aswell but im not too sure on that one.

    I think it could be a well structured, creative and innovative idea. Take what you think represents the sin the most and create an art peice on that. At the end you could merge it all together in either a sculpture or collage.

    It's just an idea. If you like it then u can adapt it to you're own style of creatvity and art - bearing in mind you have 3 weeks to do it.

    Good Luck :]

  3. Hi,

    I had an idea some years back, but not the talent to produce the work!  This may give you a few ideas though....

    I wanted to (mainly paint, but mixed media) have a scene that had a sort of Apocalypse Sunset in the background with mushroom clouds etc...  This is being viewed down a street scene, very dark building 3 or 4 floors high with windows!.....  I wanted to take some pictures of Politicians, items from the News including newspaper shots, and skew them so the fitted the windows.....  The effect would be...  A tour of History getting more modern into the distance, with the mushroom clouds as the outcome! A sort of warning of what we could allow the planet to become!

    It's a bit dark in concept, but would look great in a larger format such as stretched box canvas or similar!

    Hope this inspires!  Good Luck!

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