
Can anybody kindly let me know the cost of living per month in Leon city near Mexico?

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Hi,I got a job in Leon,near Mexico.Can anybody tell me more details about culture,cost of living in Leon?




  1. Well Rhino 720 has been very specific of some prices, but I´ll may add that Leon is 5 hours away from Mexico City, so is not that close, and about rhino info, renting an apartment in a "working class" neighborhood is not a good place for an american, you may choose a middle class place, so a descent apartment should be around 400 US a month maybe a little less maybe a little more..unless you like to live around no carpet on the streets, stray dogs, lousy municipal services, farm animals living next door to you I will stay away from working class neighborhoods.

    But as you can see in Rhino´s answer, most things are cheaper except the ones that have certain level of  high technology  on them, those are cheaper in the USA.

  2. Here's some comparisons, see if this helps:

    Half gallon of milk: U.S. = $1.61, Mexico = $1.35

    One pound of butter: U.S. = $3.39, Mexico = $1.79

    Package of Tortillas: U.S. = $1.79, Mexico = $.59

    6-pack of Corona: U.S. = $12.00, Mexico = $4.30

    One pound of cheddar cheese: U.S. = $4.99, Mexico = $2.24

    One pound of baking potatoes: U.S. = $.99, Mexico = $.47

    One bottle of cooking oil: U.S. = $3.49, Mexico = $1.48

    One head of lettuce: U.S. = $1.49, Mexico = $.44

    One pound of apples: U.S. = $1.05, Mexico = $.81

    One pound of bananas: U.S. = $.50, Mexico = $.28

    Whole chicken per pound: U.S. = $.99, Mexico = $.81

    Can of tuna: U.S. = $1.69, Mexico = $.56

    Dozen eggs: U.S. = $1.06, Mexico = $1.08

    Nescafe coffee, 7 ounces: U.S. = $6.95, Mexico = $3.41

    Quart of 20w50 Quaker State Oil: U.S. = $1.48, Mexico = $2.49

    Bottle of shampoo: U.S. = $5.49, Mexico = $1.93

    1 roll of Charmin Toilet Paper, 133': U.S. = $.89, Mexico = $2.31

    Bottle of 100 aspirin: U.S. = $6.00, Mexico = $1.44

    Bar of soap: U.S. = $1.00, Mexico = $.54

    Dell computer, no frills: U.S. = $875.00, Mexico = $1019.00

    Month's rent for 3/1 in working class neighborhood: U.S. = $654.00, Mexico = $125.00

    Washing machine: U.S. = $360.00, Mexico = $557.00

    Refrigerator: U.S. = $399.00, Mexico = $501.00

    Stove w/4 burners and oven: U.S. = $449.00, Mexico = $603.00

    Panasonic 20 inch television: U.S. = $160.00, Mexico = $222.00

    Sony CD player with AM/FM radio: U.S. = $60.00, Mexico = $89.00

    Pair of Sandals: U.S. = $10.00, Mexico = $9.00

    3 pair socks: U.S. = $3.99, Mexico = $2.69

    Pair of Old Navy jeans: U.S. = $25.00, Mexico = $20.00

    Short sleeved man's shirt: U.S. = $12.99, Mexico = $14.35

    Kid's Air Nike shoes: U.S. = $39.99, Mexico = $17.85

    Ticket to a movie: U.S. = $8.50, Mexico = $3.40

    Lunch at fast food place: U.S. = $4.48, Mexico = $4.57

  3. Leon is a big city, over a million people, and there are a wide variety of income levels. You can pretty much decide how much you are able to spend and find a place to live and lifestyle to match.ón,_Guana...

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