
Can anybody name all the Arab nations which have ever had a successful democratic government?

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AT I am saddened, appalled and amazed at developments in the UK. I understand France is also nearing 10% Muslim population. Out of our sense of fairness, we irreevocably surrender our heritage and open ourselves to much worse.




  1. No islamic country has ever had a successful democratic country.  

  2. I bet you don't know what Arab nations are.

  3. Well, Israel is the only one I can think of. Iraq is working on it.

  4. None, except for Israel Turkey (and that's a flimsy one at that)

    **Israel and Turkey are Arab nations btw.

  5. England is heading that way, does this help ? the answer, of course is that at present rates it will be an Islamic nation by the turn of the next century, but it is too close a call, to say whether it will be an Arabic majority, or even a democracy any more, it depends on the level of illegal immigration, as much as the birth rate, but abouty 2099 is the deadline even without immigration, there is a reason why the French and many continentals refer to "London" as "Londonistan"....The choice of the governments here was to allow a mosque to be built at the expense of parkland in Hyde Park in the capital, where the public received no payment for the land lost, and had previously denied the right to a Church at this location, for nearly three hundred years, the result, ?

    Abu Hamza, (The hooked "cleric" ), aAbu QuAtada and their ilk preaching the murder of the people of this land, freely and openly, at a religious site in the capital, and nothing done to stop them, while it went on for years, at our expense, mostly through financial support for these people, by social security payments, and housing benefits, also for Abu HAmza, the allowing of him to stay while he was wanted for trial elsewhere, and after he entered this country illegally as well !,

    Because of our acceptance of stupid European "human rights legislation", these people, who were known to be associated with Osama bin Laden, and terrorism , funding, and action, remain here now, at our expense while preaching a "religion" that REQUIRES,  it's followers to go to war, with any nation that does not acknowledge the primacy of Islam, and the determination of the conversion of the unbeliever at the point of a sword,  if it were a new religion the law would ban it, and its followers as a cult, why do we not do likewise....???

  6. Yes, I can name them.  ZERO.

  7. egypt? and yes it is an arab nation.

    edit: to AT do you even know what the basic foundations of islam are?! the only reason there are terrorist is because people portray islam in a negative way causing people to hate muslims. and in retaliation the once peacful muslim bEcomes extremist.


  8. Albania, east half of Cyprus, England, France, you can thank me later.

  9. Turkey is the only one that comes to mind.

    Not sure if that's actually considered and "Arab" nation...

  10. No, there are none.  Wait 10 years (if that), and there will be an arab majority in Israel, though.  Lets hope our work in Iraq sets a standard.

    EDIT: "once peaceful muslim"... OK, take a deep breath, educate yourself.  Never has been a "peaceful" human, let alone muslim.

  11. I would start by getting a definition of "successful democratic government" What does that mean exactly?

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