
Can anybody please explain why comments?

by  |  earlier

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Are not being posted on our pages ...This is despite the fact we are no doubt all receiving e-mails saying comments have been posted...

It is leading to our contacts possibly thinking they are being ignored which is not the case...

I can only assume that the mailing system has hit a backlog..

Does anyone know any differently please..

Thank you




  1. All is fine with me, although some of my comments have not quite been received with humour i intended.

  2. I don't know what is going on with yahoo lately. My mails are very slow and comments not appearing either.They need to get their act together. They are super quick in removing questions and answers and sending violations but super slow in providing a decent service.

  3. its happening to me too. Here's a link to my resolved question, there are some good ansers there.

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