
Can anybody please tell me how many power stations there are on earth best answer WILL GET 10 POINTS!!!?

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the best answer WILL!!! get 10 points

All types of power stations (nuclear,hydro electric and coal power stations)put together so all the different power stations on earth put together how many will there be approx.

and if possible can you also tell me how much is the average cost of a power station

or you can just give a site were i can find out

thanks a million




  1. will the top 100 help?

    and this site has some useful info

  2. Well just in the US alone there are at least 500 power plants so i would quess that there are around 15,000 total power stations in the world.

  3. I would estimate as many as 10 power stations here on earth. They cost about $200 a day to run and about $50,000 to set up.

    Do I win the prize?

  4. Why? Are you planning to pay the bill? (Guess we ALL pay the bill, don't we! lol) BTW...ALL Best Answers get 10 pts.

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