
Can anybody please tell me why dogs kill cat?

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As a animal lover i would like to know one thing that why dogs kill cats my own dogs had done this i really sad for this incidents can anybody please answer to my question please help i need a fast reply thank u




  1. Sorry, sweetie, but dogs are hunters by nature, and cats are just the right size.  Cats hunt birds and rodents for the same reason.  If animals are raised together, they don't do this; our 110 lb dog was raised by cats, and they get along fine.  Well, sometimes the cats do get a little bossy.  But if your dogs have already killed cats, only aversion therapy can help.  Ask a dog trainer about it.

  2. Some dogs are naturally aggressive toward cats.  They will also hunt in a pack.  If your dogs have killed, they will continue to.  They must never be outside without a leash, nor able to get out of your yard.  If you're not able to control them, I'm sorry, but they should be given to a shelter (with full disclosure of their activities), or put down.  They will never change their nature.

  3. it comes from the dogs hunting past. It has what is called a hunting 'drive' that when they see something small, like a cat or other animal, their instincts tell it to chase it and kill it. Not all dogs are prone to this though. And you can attempt to train your dog to not chase animals, but it's quite difficult and as it's their instincts, even the most well trained dog can falll back to bad habits.

    hope this helps (:

  4. Dogs don't really KILL cats but they do try to chase cats around.

  5. Dogs are wild inside and natural instinct takes over

    Cats will do the same unless they are raised with mice/ rats they will kill them

    It is the predator in them...

    Unless they are trained  or live with other animals

    The thing that makes me MAD IS WHEN PEOPLE teach dogs to go ofter cats.!


  6. It's a prey instinct.  Some dogs have a higher prey instinct then others, depends on the dog.  I had one dog-a German shepherd mix, that would kill any small animal, including other small dogs, if given the opportunity.  He wouldn't eat them, just wanted to kill them.

    I have another-a black lab mix, and she loves the cats and other small critters I have, just not ducks or chickens...  

    You won't change the dog's behavior, so be sure to keep him/her away from cats.  

  7. Normal, balanced dogs DON'T kill cats. The two species famously don't get on well - they're competitors in the wild - but they can get on extremely well and be very loving towards each other.

    I wouldn't think it unusual for say, a greyhound to kill a cat because they have usually be trained to chase and catch small furry things. Most dogs though, I would be extremely worried about their temperament if they killed a cat!


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