
Can anybody recommend a dental insurance that they are happy with?

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Can anybody recommend a dental insurance that they are happy with?




  1. I don't think it's worth it.  Brush twice a day, preferably with an electric toothbrush and floss especially after meals.  And don't suck on sugar laden candy.

  2. There is a lot of useful and intresting information here to help answer your quetion.

  3. Yep, I can. We started using this two and a half years ago. It's not worth it (unless you are in the dentist's office every month...) to pay $50 a month to have them tell you you're only eligible for one cleaning a year :)

    Pay $20 a month, never pay full price at the Dentist again!

  4. It may not be worth it like the other poster said, if you have to pay for the entire premium yourself. When you get it through your employer you only pay like $30 a pay check, whereas when you pay for it yourself it is much more per month than $60. But you only get $1000-$2000 per yr to use from your insurance company and they only pay a percent of your treatment throughout the year, so you do have costs to pay to the office still too. Then depending on the treatment you are having that $2000 can go VERY fast!  On the other hand you could sign up for a discount plan. You could check out this website, It is not insurance but a medical/dental discount plan. It allows you to get discounts for dental, vision, chiropractic, prescription and physician visits. The plans start at $19.95 for the household and  you can use it as soon as you sign up. The dental discounts are up to 80% depending on your treatment. If you have any other questions about the plan you can email me. If you would like me to, I could check the participating dentists in your area, but I would need a zip code or address. Let me know! Good Luck..

    The website is:

    My email is

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