
Can anybody recommend a good website to learn to play Guitar?

by Guest62837  |  earlier

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I'm an absolute beginner and I would like to learn to play to a somewhat decent standard, I'd even be willing to pay a monthly fee for registration. However with all of the guitar websites around all claiming they're the best, any help and information would be appreciated.





    It's free (yay!)

    Click on Beginner Guitar Lessons under the heading Learn Guitar.

  2. Youtube is awesome, is pretty neat to if you wanna pay

  3. of course

    To start learning the Basics Go here:

    And use all the tools for learning scales and chords at

  4. hello,if you reallyWANT to play the guitar ,only you can do it,if you are really hungry and determined to play,you can pick up the guitar and play every day for a couple of hours,i play bass and six string and i totally taught myself,watch what others do ,but do it by yourself FOR yourself ,you CAN do it!

  5. My friend has used a program sucessfully ... he also has his own  website with a guitar and a photography forum.. you can ask him what program he used... tell him i sent you.

  6. Arite. Luck I play guitar! is a really good site for beginners. I'm 11 and I have been playin for...2 years? and I can sweep pick all because of ultimate guitar

  7. and

  8. I know a friend of mine learns from youtube! His brother did try to teach him but wasn't very successful. There are tutorials for songs on it you should at least check it out. My friend has very little time to learn, I think he plays the videos in work over and over then with the guitar at home for a little while. He's happy with the progress he's making

  9. well ive been playing for half a month and ive been getting quite good go to

    it teaches you soo much under lesson then go to begginers

    i love that site it also has some tabs//chord of songs..

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