
Can anybody recommend spanish classes in Cuba?

by Guest64138  |  earlier

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I am going to Cuba this August and take the chance to learn Spanish (have already a basic knowledge). The best option is to learn spanish in a city surrounded by wonderful nature... i am eager for answers




  1. Sorry I cannot recommend anyone, but a search turned up the one below.  You might also check out and email Pototo asking him for suggestions.  Buenos  suertes.

  2. Hay personas que trabajan en los hoteles en Cuba quien enseñar español.....or.......There are people who work in the hotels in Cuba who teach spanish.

    They have mini Spanish classes just to help visitors get by.

    But here is a site that can help you in this Spanish language program in Cuba....Spanish Lessons in Havana, Cuba....Price for Spanish Lessons: 7.00 USD per hour.

    Also, Sprachcaffe Language School is offered in Cuba and is good if you want to learn while on holidays or as an intensive course.

    Check out the link Riki gave you as well to contact Pototo @ might get other locations and programs.

    ¡Diviértese! (Have fun!)

  3. Better stay in the USA. You want to know Cuba, go to Miami

    If you go, give fidel a kiss and ask it when it is going to do a favor to Humanity and leave this world

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