
Can anybody suggest an affordable health insurance company for a low income, young man?

by  |  earlier

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I would really like to have the ability to go to the doctor when I need. But, I can't seem to see the necessity of having health insurance. Being it so expensive, and that I so rarely need to seek medical attention. On the other hand, the clinic in town will not schedule appointments for anyone without insurance. I would like to be more concious about my physiological self with the advice of a medical practitioner. But, not at the cost of hundreds of dollars a month, which I can't afford. Its just not in the cards. HELP!




  1. You could try to google it ,here is some direct resource might be helpful.

  2. There are lot of insurance company offering pre-needs plan-health, life, educational, etc. You can contact them and ask them to prepare a scenario of plans that will fit you - your age, income and needs.

  3. I recommend speaking with a health insurance broker. A broker works with several companies to find the best rates and coverage. To find one in your area, log on to a website like and complete the online form. You will be called. There is no cost or obligation for the consultation. Good luck!

  4. Have you considered a discount health plan?  This is where you see doctors based on a very discounted fee schedule.  Let me know if you have any questions.

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