
Can anybody suggest what should be done with my life...?

by  |  earlier

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me and my lover had broken up as we understood that we cannot get along with each other.

my parents are bad and they force me to get married as am 21 yrs now. i dont wanna get married to somebody else or to my love. i donno how to escape from my nagging and dangerous parents. i donno how to plan my rest of my llife...

what can i do now.. impossible to marry somebody else....

donno the way to live. cant even think of suicide.. what am i to do now???




  1. You are 21. Can't you move out on your own and get a room mate? No one can force you to get married.  

  2. hey dolly..wat a sweet name.dont ever take step in what ur heart is precious ,try to make your parents understand.

  3. First of all you need to meet some psychatrist, don't get me wrong but your language shows that you are under depression and you are taking things negetively!

    Just rethink are your parents really that bad? As parents always think better for their children and you are only 21 i.e. not mature enough like your parents.

  4. Yes dear i unds yr situation.just relax.think over.there cant be a problem without a solution.So im sure there s a solution to yr problem too but it takes time.

        Just forget the past its dead.Now just think what are all the possibilities to make yr parents change their attitude.Convince them somehow and postpone yr marriage.

    Take a few years till u r set wright mentally.Then ul know on yr own wat to do n how to lead yr life.Now u need a break dont get into a relationship be clear with it.

       Take care.good luck!

  5. get a job and save up money . then leave and live with a female friend till you figure out what to do .  

  6. r u the first girl in this world who had broken up with her love ?

    is he is the only good person in this world ?

    is a human life is only depend upon a single person / relation ?

    don't you have other relation like brother,sister, daughter, friends etc...?

    think with a calm mind & try to get urself busy with other things.

    decide your aim then go after it. a aim less life is burden on self & on others.  

    marriage is a separate issue no body can force you its your right to decide when & whom to marry, but in this issue i suggest u to have word with your parents & explain them why u don't wana marry now, tell them that you need time you wana go for higher study & then you will get married after 2yrs or so. try this hope it will work.

    whatever u wana do, please do it with calm mind.

    take care

  7. Seperate from your parents and live an independent life.

  8. become an exotic dancer, earn money for college, get a degree, get a real job.

  9. stop looking at all the bad in your life. think of the good. be greatful with what you have. no one can tell you how to live your life only you know what you want happiness is in your thoughts.

  10. 21, move out, get a job, go to college and make something of don't have to marry anyone that you dont want to

  11. Why don't yoy get your own place you don't have to marry anyone or even be with a man until you are ready!! Good Luck!!

  12. you are  grown woman who is very capable of making her own choices. u need to stand your ground and simply, DO NOT GET MARRIED. the fact is that no one can force you to. not even your parents. you seem afraid of saying the word NO. don't be afraid. AND DON'T COMMIT SUICIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. if you dont want to get married you need to stand up to them and say this is my life im not ready to make that short off commitment yet and they cant control your life sweetheart i am 15 years old and even i know this is you dont want to stay with them go stay with a friend this story reminds me of romeo and juliet lol but yes dont run and hide look them in the face and tell them this is your life and your going to live it how you want to!

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