
Can anybody teach me how to read an SID or a STAR chart?

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I'm with and i'm supposed to do a checkride but I don't know how to read an SID or a STAR chart, can anybody please help me with this. I 'm supposed to have a flight from KLAX to KLAS; departure via the LOOP4 and arrival via the CLARR2.




  1. Read the textual description.  The graphical representation won't tell you much other than providing a pictorial view of what the text says.  The LOOP4 departure is runway dependent.  Read the description that corresponds with your departure runway.  Pay particular attention to altitude constraints.  As long as you are in radio communication, it's straight forward.  Otherwise, refer to the lost communication procedures.

    For the arrival procedure, follow the applicable transition.  Again, read the textual description.  The graphical depiction just reiterates the text.

    For both DPs and STARs, whenever you see a "THENCE..." skip down to where it resumes: "....Further instructions".  That's the gist of it.  If you don't know how to navigate from there, that's a bit beyond the scope of this forum.

  2. Reading a SID (Example: LOOP4)

    The route description at the bottom half of the chart has descriptions for runways 24L/R and 25L/R. When you find out the departure runway you read the relevant information. Let's take runway 24L as an example. It says "Climb via heading 250deg to cross SMO R-160 at or below 3000, then via radar vectors to LAX VORTAC. Expect left turn direct LAX VORTAC." This means depart on a heading of 250degrees so that you cross Santa Monica (SMO) VOR on a radial heading 160degrees. You have to cross or be below 3000ft at SMO. Then expect a left turn.

    Other information on the chart is pretty self explanatory.

    Reading a STAR (Example CLARR2)

    This looks a bit more daunting and complicated compared to the SID above. However just follow the following steps and it's second nature. Firstly you need to find out which way point you are going to 'enter' the STAR from aka TRANSITION POINT. The CLARR2 STAR has 2 transitions: the DAGGETT DAG and the TWENTYNINE PALMS TNP.

    Once you find it out from your route you read the route description. Let's take the TNP transition since it's more complicated. Look on the diagram and locate TNP. You will see that there is a line which you can follow. Each segment of this route is a waypoint at whcih you have to follow. In this case the next waypoint is JOTNU. The next is GOFFS and after that is CLARR. Underneath CLARR on the diagram it says 13000 250K meaning you are expected to be at 13000ft or lower and less than 250KTS. After CLARR is SKEBR.

    You may not make the whole flight through the STAR as ATC may take you off it and give you radar vectors.

    I hope this explains it.

  3. start from the runway and follow the line to the end point for the SID, this is the track the aircraft is supposed to fly. make sure you dont bust the altitude restrictions. it's pretty simple and logical. for the STAR, start at the first waypoint and follow the line to the runway. again, obey the aititude restrictions.

  4. Well, seeing as it is a virtual airline and there is nothing real about it, why not just go direct?  It's not as if it matters, you're just playing a game.  Why exactly do you have a checkride to play a game?  Does the checkride involve turning on your computer and does the malfunction include the mouse becoming unplugged?

    Anyways, to answer your question, i'm assuming you have a copy of the charts, if you don't go to and print them off.  Next, find the route you will be going.  I have no idea how play airlines work, but in real airlines we get a copy of our filed route before the flight.  Once you have this review the SID and the transition and the STAR and its transition.  

    The LOOP4 looks very simple.  You will depart to the west and fly the heading printed on the chart for the runway you depart.  You will then get vectors to LAX.  This is about as simple as it gets.  If you get the Daggett transition, just join the 041 off of LAX then proceed as filed.

    I just looked up the chart to the CLARR arrival and noticed dagget transition.  This is as fricken simple as it gets.  Once you get to the DAG vor you will intercept the 031 off of it and track inbound to SKEBR at which point you will turn to heading of 345.  After that intercept the 260 off of BLD and expect vectors to land.  Once again i have no idea how play "airlines" work, however if i was flying this flight for real, i'd just put it in the FMS and let it fly.

    Edit:  Tom888uk obviously doesn't completely understand how to read a STAR.  Unless ATC directs you to "descend via" STAR (CLARR2) you do NOT descend.  You will follow the lateral navigation, but not the vertical.  The altitudes listed are just for you to anticipate.  Suppose however that they say descend via the CLARR2, then you will follow the altitudes listed.  Notice you see MISEN listed with FL240 and a line underneath it.  That means to cross MISEN above FL240.  Down the line you see CLARR listed at 13000 and 250kts with lines above and beneath them.  This means to be AT 13000 AND 250kts over CLARR, not as tomuk said 'at or below 250kts'!!!!!

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