
Can anybody tell anything interesting about the 'UNIVERSE'?

by  |  earlier

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i like to learn about the facts related 2 space & universe. so

pleaz tell me anything about them.




  1. I highly recommend you start by watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos series, available on youtube and on CD.

    Then take a look at the Science Channel's Timeline:

    Follow with the History Channel's UNIVERSE series:

    And then The Elegant Universe:

    That will get you started.  Good luck.

  2. There is a black hole in the middle of our Galaxy.

    Also, there is this stuff called Dark Matter.  We don't know much about it, but it seems to fill everyplace that we had previously thought was empty space.  So, empty space is not empty.  We are still learning about this dark matter.

    The Mayans dated the beginning of our universe as well as we can today with our science.  Somehow they had an intimate knowledge of the universe.

    On December 21, 2012 our sun will enter the galactic center corresponding to the 13th horoscope Oriphulant.  I'm not sure on the spelling of the name.

    We know very little about our  own milky way galaxy, because we are on a tiny outside arm on the very edges of the galaxy.  Basically we are in the suburb of a suburb.  We don't know what downtown milky way  looks like.

  3. As you move to the edge of the universe, time moves back to time = 0

  4. Universe is expanding and they say if the boundary is infinite it keeps on expanding or if it has a finite boundary it blasts and  it starts again from the evolution.

  5. Universe is not only stranger than you imagine, it is stranger than what you 'can' imagine.

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